07-2012 |
The results regarding the rich communication and coordination of loosely coupled mashup components have been presented in the course of the ICWE 2012. Besides the realization of push, pull, and synchronization links, especially the generic drag-and-drop support was well-received. The paper is available via SpringerLink.
02-2012 |
Our joint work with the Mefisto project towards a semantics-based information visualization process has been presented in the course of the 3rd SEMAIS workshop at this year's ACM IUI conference in Lisbon and at the eKNOW 2012. The papers show, how end-users can gain insights into semantic data by an assisted composition of visualization components, based on the CRUISe concepts. They are publicly available at the SEMAIS page and ThinkMind.
09-2011 |
At the Mashups 2011 workshop, co-located with ECOWS'11, we had the possibility to present our concepts for the semantic discovery and integration of mashup components at runtime. The paper is available via ACM
09-2011 |
This year's ADAPTIVE provided an opportunity to present our concepts for modeling and realizing dynamic, adaptive behavior within mashup applications. Our submission got the best paper award is publicly accessible via ThinkMind.
11-2010 |
The Mashup Composition Model - our platform-independent application model - was well-received at the iiWAS 2010 conference, hosted in Paris. Additionally, we presented a joint work with Tobias Nestler (SAP) and Florian Daniel (Uni Trento), which hightlights different approaches towards Presentation Integration and open issues. The ACM DL now hostst both the metamodel and presentation integration papers.
11-2010 |
After 24 exciting and successful months, the funding for the CRUISe project by the BMBF has come to an end. However, the development is continuing (see status)!
07-2010 |
The poster has been updated to reflect the latest developments in the project: Download.
05-2010 |
Our concept and solution for a completely browser-based mashup platform - the Thin Server Runtime - was presented at the ICIW 2010 and received the best paper award. You can find it at IEEE Xplore.
06-2009 |
New posters of the CRUISe project are available for download. We are open for questions, remarks and research contacts - just drop us an email.
12-2008 |
The project offers two positions for student assistants (see advert) |
10-2008 |
The project proposal was accepted by the BMBF within the KMU-innovativ call. CRUISe will be funded as a joint research project (see our partners) for the next 24 months. |
10-2008 |
New student theses have been started, dealing with the integration of context services [1], the incorporation of the CRUISe idea into BPEL- und BPEL4People-based business processes [2] and the analysis and comparision with related mashup approaches [3]. |
06-2008 |
A new diploma thesis has been started: "Development of a generic service wrapper for service-based user interfaces" (german only). |
05-2008 |
Two new topics for student theses (diploma/master) have been published. |
04-2008 |
Submission of the CRUISe project proposal at the BMBF |
01-2008 |
Started several student theses regarding the description of complex user interface components [1], the architecture of a user interface service framework [2] and the development process of service-oriented web applications [3]. |