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Theses at the Chair of Multimedia Technology

Here you can get an overview over the theses from the Chair of Multimedia technology.
If you want to know more about one of the thesis, click on the title of the specific thesis.

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Type of thesisTitleStatusBeginEnd
bachelor thesis Design and implementation of Portfolio-Managementonline10/28/202401/26/2025
student thesis Application of generative AI technologies in Java programmingonline07/17/202410/02/2024
bachelor thesis Design of the interface for a Wealth Management Systemfinished05/15/202309/11/2023
bachelor thesis Analysis and graphical presentation of financial datafinished03/01/202205/30/2022
bachelor thesis Analyse von Techniken zur Bewertung von Verteilungsoptionen im Rahmen von Multi-Device-Szenarienfinished10/02/201712/30/2017
master's thesis Modeling and application of search strategies in enterprise search sashupsfinished12/01/201605/11/2017
bachelor thesis Explizite Spezifikation funktionaler Anforderungen an Mashups durch Endnutzerfinished11/07/201601/30/2017
master's thesis Kontextsensitives Empfehlungssystem für Enterprise-Search auf Grundlage eines semantischen Wissensgraphenfinished11/01/201607/04/2017
master's thesis Automated Logging in Distributed Consulting Processesfinished10/17/201603/26/2017
master's thesis Berücksichtigung verschiedener Kopplungsgrade in kollaborativen Mashupsfinished10/05/201603/15/2017
bachelor thesis Erfassung und Auswertung von Nutzerfeedback im Mashup-Kontextfinished10/01/201612/23/2016
master's thesis Error and Conflict Prevention in Collaborative Composite Web Applicationsfinished06/24/201612/01/2016
master's thesis Mining and Mapping of Workflow Models for Ad-hoc Business Processesfinished06/20/201611/27/2016
master's thesis Mechanismen zur Berücksichtigung privater Daten in kollaborativen Mashupsfinished04/01/201609/09/2016
master's thesis Skalierbare semantische Suchstrategien für sehr große heterogene Datenfinished02/01/201607/11/2016
master's thesis Erweiterung von Mechanismen für die Verwaltung des Lebenszyklus kollaborativer Mashupsfinished11/15/201504/24/2016
master's thesis Definition eines Vorgehensmodells zur endnutzerorientierten Gestaltung kompositer Enterprise-Search Web-Anwendungenfinished11/02/201504/11/2016
bachelor thesis Increasing the plausibility of recommendations for the composition of mashupsfinished10/01/201512/24/2015
master's thesis Creation of a Developer Guide to Improve Component’s Applicability in Collaborative Scenariosfinished09/01/201502/08/2016
bachelor thesis Presenting functional relationships of components in ad hoc Mashupsfinished08/24/201511/16/2015
diploma thesis Explizite Spezifikation funktionaler Anforderungen an Mashups durch Endnutzerfinished10/01/201403/31/2015
bachelor thesis Visuelle Zusammenfassung atomarer Capabilitiesfinished09/22/201402/20/2015
bachelor thesis Conception and implementation of meta-ui for user-oriented design of multi-device mashupsfinished09/01/201401/05/2015
bachelor thesis Collaboration Support for Enterprise Multi Device Applicationsfinished08/29/201401/01/2015
master's thesis Session Management and Device Coupling for Multi Device Applications in Enterprise Environmentsfinished08/15/201401/22/2015