With the internet going mobile and the combination of composite, service-oriented and adaptive web technologies, a broad range of novel commercial and personal application scenarios evolves. Future applications will be composed by dynamically combining different services with associated user interface components. They will adapt to user and device specific contexts and distribute functionality and interaction elements across multiple devices, according to the requirements of changing usage situations and user preferences. End users partake in the development process by specifying, assembling, and adapting mash-up applications, which suit their specific needs and capabilities.
Yet, existing mashup approaches as, for instance, proposed by the CRUISe project, require technical understanding impeding the development by domain experts without programming skills.
Amongst others, shortcomings of current approaches are:
- The lack of appropriate process models and semantic descriptions for the development of distributed, intelligent, multimedia-based and service-oriented mashup applications
- Missing tool support for the development and the test of adaptive collaborative Rich Internet Applications, particularly with regard to End-user Developments. This particularly concerns suitable abstraction of technical details as well as support for end users, for example though recommendations, in the context of the composition process.
- Insufficient support of collaborative composition and usage of mashup applications
- Existing context determination techniques show deficits in distributed service-oriented mashup applications.
The research project EDYRA aims at simplifying the development process of composite and ubiquitous Rich Internet Applications utilizing mashup paradigms and web services. Novel methods and tools are supposed to enable the participation of end users as well as domain experts in the development of composite and ubiquitous Rich Internet Applications without the need for detailed programming skills. Hence, they are empowered to build web applications ad hoc and based on existing software components according to their requirements.
Amongst others, this comprises the following research goals and foci:
- Concept of a process model for the ad hoc end-user driven development of composite and ubiquitous Rich Internet Applications
- Concepts for the implicit and transparent instantiation and dynamic manipulation of composition models during the development and the execution of composite and ubiquitous Rich Internet Applications
- Provision and semantic description of mashup components based on User Interface Services of the CRUISe project
- Analysis and conception of interaction and visualization techniques for the (collaborative) end-user development of composite and ubiquitous Rich Internet Applications
- Development and implementation of methods for the semantics-based and context-sensitive discovery, ranking, integration, and composition of mashup components
- User guidance by means of recommendations of composition steps
- Collection, modeling and processing of context information as well as their utilization for dynamic adaption of composite and ubiquitous Rich Internet Applications and recommendations
- Realization of an integrated development and execution platform for composite and ubiquitous Rich Internet Applications considering collaborative scenarios