René Pietzsch
diploma student (former)
A. Nauerz,
S. Pietschmann,
R. Pietzsch:
Using Collective Intelligence for Adaptive Navigation in Web Portals, Workshop Proceedings of the ICWE 2008: 3rd International Workshop on Adaptation and Evolution in Web Systems Engineering (AEWSE'08), Yorktown Heights, New York, USA, 7/2008
A. Nauerz,
S. Pietschmann,
R. Pietzsch:
Social Recommendation and Adaption in Web Portals, Proceedings of the Workshop on "Adaptation for the Social Web" at the 5th International Conference on Adaptive Hypermedia and Adaptive Web-Based Systems, 7/2008
A. Nauerz,
S. Pietschmann,
R. Pietzsch:
Collaborative Annotation-Driven Adaptation in Web Portals, Proceedings of the 18th ACM Conference on Hypertext and Hypermedia, Manchester, UK, ISBN 978-1-59593-8, 9/2007
Own student theses