Dipl.-Medieninf. Ronny Fritzsche
bachelor student (former), diploma student (former), research assistant (former)

Room 2081

(+49) 351 / 463 38117
Research projects
intelligent Storage and Exploration of large documeNt SEts
Currently supervised student theses
Formerly supervised theses
Current activities
Former Activities
- 10/01/2007 until 12/31/2007:
- 10/01/2008 until 02/28/2009:
- 04/01/2009 until 09/30/2009:
- 10/01/2009 until 02/28/2010:
- 04/12/2010 until 07/27/2010:
- 04/01/2010 until 05/31/2012:
- 06/01/2012 until 11/30/2013:
- 01/01/2008 until 06/30/2014:
Working in the HSM-project
- 01/01/2014 until 10/31/2014:
Mitarbeit im PREFAM Projekt
S. Schmidt,
T. Wauer,
R. Fritzsche,
K. Meißner:
A Storage Ontology for Hierarchical Storage Management Systems, CEUR Workshop Proceedings, Proceedings of the 3rd International Workshop on Semantic Digital Archives co-located with 17th International Conference on Theory and Practice of Digital Libraries (TPDL 2013), Volume 1091, Valetta, Malta, 12, 9/2013
P. Wehner,
R. Krüger,
R. Fritzsche,
S. Schmidt:
SENSE – Intelligent Storage and Exploration of large Document Sets., Poster Session of the bmbf - Fachtagung KMU-innovativ „Innovation durch intelligente Vernetzung, IKT - Ideen gemeinsam umsetzen“, Dresden, 1, BMBF, 10/2012
A. Schröder,
R. Fritzsche,
S. Schmidt,
A. Mitschick,
K. Meißner:
A Semantic Extension of a Hierarchical Storage Management System for Small and Medium-sized Enterprises, Proceedings of the 1st International Workshop on Semantic Digital Archives, Series CEUR Workshop Proceedings, Volume 801, Berlin, 23-36, Chapter 2, DOI http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:0074-801-0, 12/2011
R. Fritzsche,
J. Waltsgott,
S. Cech,
S. Götz,
C. Wilke:
State of the Art: Optimization of Energy Consumption in Storage Systems, ISBN 1430-211X, 9/2011
J. Waltsgott,
S. Götz,
R. Fritzsche,
S. Cech,
C. Wilke:
State of the Art: Hardware Energy Management, ISBN 1430-211X, 9/2011
C. Wilke,
S. Götz,
S. Cech,
J. Waltsgott,
R. Fritzsche:
Aspects of Software’s Energy Consumption, ISBN 1430-211X, 9/2011
S. Götz,
C. Wilke,
S. Cech,
R. Fritzsche,
J. Waltsgott,
M. Schmidt:
THEATRE Resource Manager Interface Specification v. 1.0, ISBN 1430-211X, 12/2010
A. Mitschick,
R. Fritzsche:
Publishing and Sharing Ontology-based Information in a Collaborative Multimedia Document Management System, Web Information Systems Engineering – WISE 2007 Workshops, Volume 4832, Nancy, France, 79-90, Springer, ISBN 9783540770091, DOI http://dx.doi.org/10.1007/978-3-540-77010-7_9, 12/2007
Own student theses