In the last years the spontaneous teamwork, the so called informal collaboration, got into the focus of the computer supported cooperative work (CSCW) research area. Thereby, it is investigated how this form of collaboration could be supported by using mobile devices, because they provide the advantage of a location- and time-independent use. In this context the research projekt DoCUMA is concerned with the possibilities of the static and dynamic distribution and composition of application components. In doing so, it should be clarified how distribution of components to different platforms, dependent on context properties, can be described in the composition model of an application.
The development over recent years in the field of mobile devices and the World Wide Web (WWW) enables enhanced application scenarios. This especially applies to the area of computer supported cooperative work (CSCW). Collaborative scenarios with mobile devices and services from the WWW lies within the focus of the research project DoCUMA. The specific requirements of spontaneous teamwork and their implications on the development process of ubiquitous, composite applications will be investigated and appropriate concepts for the implementation should be found. The possibilities of the static or dynamic application component distribution are part of the investigation, too.