A. Schröder,
R. Fritzsche,
S. Schmidt,
A. Mitschick,
K. Meißner:
A Semantic Extension of a Hierarchical Storage Management System for Small and Medium-sized Enterprises, Proceedings of the 1st International Workshop on Semantic Digital Archives, Series CEUR Workshop Proceedings, Volume 801, Berlin, 23-36, Chapter 2, DOI, 12/2011
A. Mitschick:
Ontology-based Indexing and Contextualization of Multimedia Documents for Personal Information Management Applications, International Journal on Advances in Software, Volume 3, Number 1, 31-40, ISBN 1942-26, 9/2010
A. Mitschick:
Ontologiebasierte Indexierung und Kontextualisierung multimedialer Dokumente für das persönliche Wissensmanagement, Dissertation an der TU Dresden, Qucosa, DOI, 3/2010
A. Mitschick,
S. Pietschmann,
K. Meißner:
An Ontology-Based, Cross-Application Context Modeling and Management Service, International Journal On Semantic Web and Information Systems (IJSWIS), Edition 6, 2/2010
A. Mitschick,
K. Meißner:
Generation and Maintenance of Semantic Metadata for Personal Multimedia Document Management, Proceedings of the First International Conference on Advances in Multimedia (MMEDIA 2009), Colmar, France, 74-79, IEEE Computer Society, ISBN 9780769536934, 7/2009
S. Pietschmann,
A. Mitschick,
R. Winkler,
K. Meißner:
CroCo: Ontology-Based, Cross-Application Context Management, Proceedings of the 3rd International Workshop on Semantic Media Adaptation and Personalization (SMAP 2008) , Prague, CZ, 88-93, IEEE Computer Society, ISBN 9780769534442, 12/2008
A. Mitschick,
K. Meißner:
Metadata generation and consolidation within an ontology-based document management system, International Journal of Metadata, Semantics and Ontologies (IJMSO), Volume 3, Number 4, 249–259, DOI, 12/2008
A. Mitschick,
R. Nagel,
K. Meißner:
Semantic Metadata Instantiation and Consolidation within an Ontology-based Multimedia Document Management System, First International Workshop on Semantic Metadata Management and Applications, SeMMA 2008, Located at the Fifth European Semantic Web Conference (ESWC 2008), Series CEUR Workshop Proceedings, Volume 346, Teneriffe, Spain, 46-60,, 6/2008
A. Mitschick,
R. Fritzsche:
Publishing and Sharing Ontology-based Information in a Collaborative Multimedia Document Management System, Web Information Systems Engineering – WISE 2007 Workshops, Volume 4832, Nancy, France, 79-90, Springer, ISBN 9783540770091, DOI, 12/2007
A. Mitschick,
R. Winkler,
K. Meißner:
Searching Community-built Semantic Web Resources to Support Personal Media Annotation, Bridging the Gap between Semantic Web and Web 2.0 (SemNet 2007), International Workshop located at the 4th European Semantic Web Conference, ESWC 2007, Innsbruck, Austria, 1-13, 6/2007
A. Mitschick,
K. Meißner:
A Stepwise Modeling Approach for Individual Media Semantics, GI-Edition Lecture Notes in Informatics (LNI), Dresden, Germany, 93, Hochberger, Liskowsky, 10/2006
A. Mitschick:
Ontology-based Management of Private Multimedia Collections: Meeting the Demands of Home Users, Proceedings of 'International Conference on Knowledge Management' (I-Know 2006), Graz, Austria, J.UCS, Tochtermann, Maurer, ISBN ISSN 0948-695, 9/2006