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Mobile fAcet-based Music BrOwser

Mambo Music Browser


The Mambo interface was developed for browsing large personal music collections on mobile devices. Songs, albums or other data can be visually arranged according to different aspects. Aspects are metadata facets such as name, artist, time, or genre. A novel zooming widget (FacetZoom) constitutes the basic metaphor and permits a consistent way of searching, browsing and filtering data without the need for text input. The problem of scrolling long item lists is eliminated with FacetZoom. It can be seen as a means of subdividing a set of data items according to a filter dimension into different, hierarchically contained levels of detail. A continuous multi-scale and a discrete click-and-center navigation was developed which is especially suited for mobile devices. We also conducted a user study, investigating the first prototype under PDA and UMPC display conditions using two design variants.
