Sitemap | English


Mining and Mapping of Workflow Models for Ad-hoc Business Processes


Techniques and methods for business process management are subject to continuous change. Today’s enterprises have to face ever accelerating innovation cycles, dynamically changing market settings, and highly customized products and process chains. Thereby, traditional approaches for process modelling and management fail to manage those requirements efficiently. Large scale efforts are required to continuously update process models and to deploy and adjust them to the real world environment of company employees. The goal of the ANG project is a platform for flexible, ad-hoc creation and adjustment of business processes by end users. Instead of a strict separation between modelling and execution of business processes, the concept should allow to mine all necessary business process representations directly from user interactions. With the help of previous mined instances, users should be supported by recommendations for possible further steps, based on the steps they are currently working on.

A basic foundation for this approach and the objective of this master’s thesis is the mining of current process steps from user interactions and the mapping of these steps to existing process templates. Thereby, it is necessary to evaluate all mine-able user interactions in relation to the necessary context data the system has to consider. To ease the analysis, concrete reference scenarios should be developed and described first. After mining possible process steps, the result should be matched to a pool of existing process definitions. Thereby, the goal is to identify the current process the user is working on and, in future, provide recommendations for possible next steps.

Within the master’s thesis, the following sub goals have to be achieved:
  • Creating a basic set of reference process model templates based on a given reference scenario.
  • Analysing requirements and existing boundaries for a web-based process mining system.
  • Review of the state of the art in the field of process mining, process mapping techniques, ad-hoc workflows and adaptive case management.
  • Creation of a classification for mineable process steps including examples and possible limitations.
  • Design of a concept, which allows to mine the described process steps and to map them to the predefined process templates. This includes the discussion of possible assumptions and limitations.
  • Implementation of a proof-of-concept prototype, which enables to mine a limited set of process steps and to map them to process templates. 

Weitere Informationen

Autor(en): PersonOlga Prykhodko
Laufzeit: 20.06.2016 - 27.11.2016
Verantwortlicher HSL: PersonProf. Dr.-Ing. Klaus Meißner
Betreuer: PersonDipl.-Medieninf. Gregor Blichmann
PersonDr.-Ing. Alexander Lorz
Institut, Lehrstuhl: SMT, Multimediatechnik
Zugehörige Projekte: Sonstiges
Zugehörige Partner: intecsoft GmbH & Co. KG