As a DFG project, Hyperadapt investigates well-formed and controlled multi-staged aspect-oriented adaption in the context of hypermedia web applications. The project builds up on experiences gathered in the projects AMACONT and Reuseware.
As a DFG project, Hyperadapt investigates well-formed and controlled multi-staged aspect-oriented adaption in the context of hypermedia web applications. The project ist carried out by the two chairs of multimedia technology (Heinz-Nixdorf-Chair of Multimedia Technology) and software engineering (Lehrstuhl Softwaretechnologie) at the Computer Science Faculty of TU Dresden. Hyperadapt is planned to start in October 2008 and to end in September 2010. The project builds up on experiences gathered in the projects AMACONT and Reuseware. AMACONT is a framework for the development of context-adaptive hypermedia applications. It uses an XML-based component model to manage structured documents. The components are divided into three layers, ranging from simple media components like text assets or images to larger, reusable document components. To generate web pages from documents, AMACONT uses a pipeline-based approach for the transformation of XML documents, taking well-formed AMACONT documents as input and producing XHTML pages as output (still, other output formats are also possible). To consider context information, AMACONT's transformation pipeline supports context adaptation. Context in hypermedia applications (or web applications) often considers the devices on which webapplications are used (e.g., PDA vs. PC) and user-specific preferences and properties. For AMACONT, application developers can specify different variants of parts of their application, each fitting to a specific context. For example, a mobile device like a Pocket PC usually has much less computation power than a full PC. Thus, it would be useful to restrict videos to a certain resolution and a certain level of compression. Also, the network bandwidth is usually restricted for mobile devices such that a high level of compression is needed.